
George Kontis is a caring and professional Psychologist practicing in Brunswick, Melbourne VIC. George came to us prior to branching out on his own when he felt like it was time to move on from group clinics that didn’t share his personal values. It was time to create an identity for his unique approach. To create a sense of depth, warmth and the journey he and his patients travel together on their road to healing and improved mental health.

We created a custom brand identity design including an adaptable brand mark suite and selection of supporting elements. Assets and creative direction were provided to assist him in creating his own website using Squarespace.

An identity with an explorative sense of depth & warmth for George Kontis

Featured Project:

“Elise collaborated with me on an unexpectedly deep level. Expertly converting my ideas into a look and feel that conveys something beyond words to prospective clients.”

- George Kontis

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